Saturday, July 27, 2013

Frankenstein by Mark Shelly

Hi everyone,
So last week for the BookTube-A-Thon, the first book I read was Frankenstein and it was only 186 pages. And one of the challenges was to read a classic so I though I might as well give it a shot. SoI sat down and read it and I absolutely loved it! I thought it was brilliant, I had never heard or read of the Frankenstein story or legend. But anyway in this review I am not going to give any spoilers but I am going to tell you what it is about. So long story short a guy grows up loving science and then he goes off to college and learns about all this amazingscience things   and wants to build a creature of his nature, a "man". But things go wrong. So as you can tell the synopsis  sounds amazing and the story line is fabulous. So with in a couple hours I finished the book and gave it 5 stars, it was very sad but also very thrilling all at once. I defiantly recommend this and happy reading!

-Elizabeth McCormick

Harry Potter: Book To Movie by J.K. Rowling

Hey guys,
Welcome To my blog about books! So I happened to be watching a Harry Potter movie marathon on ABC family and a great idea popped into my head. Why don't I do a book to movie marathon? Yet I only have the first book I do own all the movies. So I am just doing this to have fun because I enjoy the series very much. How I am going to do this; is I am first going to read the book and then I am going to watch the movie. After that I am going to come back on here and write about anything I want about it and do a review of both, more like a discussion. I will be doing this for all seven books, along with all 8 movies (there are 8 movies because the last movie is split into 2 parts.)  I hope you guys enjoy this series very much and look forward to it. I also hope maybe you can do it along with me and write your reviews and discussion in the comments. I will start this September 1, 2013. I will not be starting this is August because I am starting school then and want to have time to get comfortable. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I hope you happy reading. Good Luck!

-Elizabeth McCormick

Harry Potter Series:

-Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
-Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows