Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick


May I just say that I have found my favorite book of the year! This book is magnificent! The book has a wide range of beautiful well done drawing, but lots of text as well. I loved this book so much I finished within a couple hours between two days. I put all my homework aside and had to read this book! In the book it talks about a boy named Hugo Cabret who is young. His father past away so he is left to his uncles care, but their is something that goes along with that, he has to work the clocks. He is good at what he does, but then he meets a young girl Isabel and falls into the epic adventure. Before Hugo's dad dies, his father finds an automaton. His father than past away in a fire and acquires the piece of machine and sets out to fix it. He meets loads of new people and learns many things. This book is very interesting it had me reading in class instead of listening. This book is very easy to read seeing that it has many pictures and small pages. While I was reading this book I fell in love with Hugo, he is just an inspirational character and very interesting.  I also fell in love with some of the drawing, like the one with the moon with the rocket in it's eye. I have seen the movie and it follows the book very well, it as well is one of my favorite movies. I deffinatly recommend to you this book. I feel anyone can read this book, whether they like to read this book. Being a world history fan, I loved learning about old films in this movie, like the first movie ever was just a train coming into the station.

Happy Reading!

City of Bones Movie to Book Adaptatin by Cassandra Clare


     So last Friday I went and saw City of Bones with my friend. Now the movie was so so good and I would definitely see it again, but.....they left out a lot. Now I forewarn you that there is going to be a lot of spoilers for you in this post if you have not yet read or seen City of Bones. I absolutely loved the book it was great, the action was good, the pace was good and I just had a good time reading it. There was obviously a lot that went on in the book, because it is pretty thick. And the movie was long as well, a little over three hours. But in the movie they made the demons look so good, I mean they actually looked real and you could see them turning into something demonic on screen, it was great! But Jace and Clary didn't have a lot of romance in the movie. I mean it was portrayed that they obviously like each other but in the book it was so much more. And also one thing I liked was that they kept a lot of Alek moments from the book. Plus Simon was beautiful, coming from a girl, may I just say he is smoking hot! His character was great, he made me love Simon even more than in the book. One thing they did in the movie is combine some things from the second book, City of Ashes with the first, which doesn't make sense to someone who read the book, but makes sense to someone who hasn't. There were a few parts that were cheesy and slowed down too much, but other than that I was on the edge of my seat, it was excellent! I gave the movie 5 stars because it all looked so real and the affects we're outstanding! I definable recomend you go see if you read the book or not because you will not regret it! 

Happy reading!