Sunday, October 6, 2013

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


This book is my favorite so far in the series. I thought the imagery was great. I loved how fast pace it was and I loved every event that happened in this book. We got introduced to my favorite animals in this book and some of the most darkest characters. In this book there was a lot of feeling that went on with Harry, I cant really tell you what because it would spoil it.

This series is about a boy named Harry. He is a wizard, but has to live with his muggle (human) aunt and uncle. But one day everything changes for him because he gets a letter from Hogwarts. And that's where his journey begins. He meets two friends named Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. And they both go on this epic journey with him.

I wasn't expecting to like this book very much because the movie, I didn't like as much as the first two. But I read it and I changed my mind. No matter how old you are I definitely recommend this book, I gave it a 5 out of  stars. You probably already know what happened in this book, but for those who don't I'll tell you a little. But for-worn I can't tell you too much, because there's a lot of things in the book that can be spoiled. So in this book Harry is protected by all these people because the criminal Sirius Black escaped  And so Harry can't go on the field trips he wants to. And a shocking thing happens Hagrid starts to teach! Those are just a few things that happen in the book.

Here is the real synopsis:

Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has already survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion. But his hopes for a quiet term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking Dementors who guard the prison. It's assumed that Hogwarts is the safest place for Harry to be. But is it a coincidence that he can feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking Professor Trelawney's ghoulish predictions seriously?

Please read this series it will change your life trust me.

I love reading this series because it makes me feel like a kid again because I grew up with it. 

Thank You and Happy Reading!


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


Last month I read the second book in the Harry Potter series. I really liked this book, I thought it was well passed and fun. So, most of you know who Harry Potter is I'm guessing, and if you don't, please join me on this journey of the wizarding world. September is when the oh so great Harry Potter goes back to school, and yes sadly he has to go to school too. But this isn't any ordinary school year, many things happened and they may or may not include dark magic. Harry goes to school at Hogwarts. 

If you didn't know what or who Harry Potter is I will tell you. This series is about a boy named Harry. He is a wizard, but has to live with his muggle (human) aunt and uncle. But one day everything changes for him because he gets a letter from Hogwarts. And that's where his journey begins. He meets two friends named Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. And they both go on this epic journey with him. 

This is pretty much that back story for each book. But every book has a different story, if that makes sense. 

In the Harry Potter series there is a lot of dark magic, mainly around Harry. I loved this book, I thought it was fabulous. In the Chamber of secrets, I really did not like Lockhart. But in the end I thought he was hilarious because of recent events. But in the end of this book I thought the plot twist was amazing, I mean I knew what was going to happened because I've seen the movie but if I hadn't it was great. I definitely recommend this book, it was such a fun read. I mean I grew up with Harry Potter so it feels good to kind of be young again and read this series. I think J.K. Rowling has a good sense of imagery in this book because even if you haven't seen the movie you could picture what the place looked like. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank You and Happy Reading!

The Bad Beginning: A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket


So, a week or two ago I read the first book in the A Series of Unfortunate Events. I have always wanted to read this series. I thought the first book was good! I thought it was a quick easy read and full of character. If you want an easy read, you should read this book. The book size is tiny, and and the words are kind of big. Also it only has around 160 pages. I read this book in two days with school and a bunch of homework.

The summary of this book is about three children named Violet, Klause and Sunny. There parents died in a fire so they had to go live with another relative, who's name is Count Olaf. After that they go on a crazy adventure and good and bad things happened.

Getting into my review now, I thought Lemony Snicket did a fantastic job overall. I loved the creepiness of the book but also the warmth. In the book there is a lot of different thought and feelings that tied together really well. The main characters of this book were Sunny, Klause and Violet, the book told there story and unfortunate journeys. This book is kind of sad but not too sad like john green or anything like that. One thing that I loved in this book is the characters love of reading. This book made me want a huge library in my own home. I think if a child is reading this it is really good because if the book says a harder word it explains it. There isn't much I can say  about this book without giving away anything because it is such a short book.

I gave this book a 5 out of 5 stars. I would recommend this book if you are in a car ride or in the air port.

Thank You, and Happy Reading!