Sunday, October 6, 2013

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


Last month I read the second book in the Harry Potter series. I really liked this book, I thought it was well passed and fun. So, most of you know who Harry Potter is I'm guessing, and if you don't, please join me on this journey of the wizarding world. September is when the oh so great Harry Potter goes back to school, and yes sadly he has to go to school too. But this isn't any ordinary school year, many things happened and they may or may not include dark magic. Harry goes to school at Hogwarts. 

If you didn't know what or who Harry Potter is I will tell you. This series is about a boy named Harry. He is a wizard, but has to live with his muggle (human) aunt and uncle. But one day everything changes for him because he gets a letter from Hogwarts. And that's where his journey begins. He meets two friends named Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. And they both go on this epic journey with him. 

This is pretty much that back story for each book. But every book has a different story, if that makes sense. 

In the Harry Potter series there is a lot of dark magic, mainly around Harry. I loved this book, I thought it was fabulous. In the Chamber of secrets, I really did not like Lockhart. But in the end I thought he was hilarious because of recent events. But in the end of this book I thought the plot twist was amazing, I mean I knew what was going to happened because I've seen the movie but if I hadn't it was great. I definitely recommend this book, it was such a fun read. I mean I grew up with Harry Potter so it feels good to kind of be young again and read this series. I think J.K. Rowling has a good sense of imagery in this book because even if you haven't seen the movie you could picture what the place looked like. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank You and Happy Reading!

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