Thursday, August 4, 2016

Re-reading Books

I have never been one to re-read books. I always had too many books on my TBR to even think about it. With the Cassandra Clare series marathon I am participating in, I am re-reading a book for the first time ever! And let me tell you, it has been fun!

I am reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare again, one of my favorite books! The first time, I was always waiting in anticipation. Questioning what is going to happen next. The second time, I am realizing that it is so much better! I know what is going to happen so I take more time observing everything. The best part is being able to see the relationships between characters develop more closely.  In City of Bones, it is amazing reading how the relationship develops between Clary and Jace. The second time around you can really see how fast he falls for her and how much he cares. As well as you discover new details you forgot.

Would I recommend re-reading books...HECK YES!

Some books I want to re-read are The Book Thief and The Hunger Games.

If you have ever re-read a book and loved it better the second time, leave a comment of what it was!

xoxo Elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo I love rereading! I need to do it more often, and I have quite a few now that could use some attention. :-)
