Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

This post is a little late....

This book was great, I thought the world and all the characters were intriguing! all the way from beginning to end I was hooked. I loved the romance in it and I love the different creatures. This book is mainly set around a girl names Karou. She lives with chimaera and has to do task for a guy named Beimstone. On her journey she learns a lot of stuff and meets new people.. Or should I say things! In the end of the book there is a huge story twist and it comes to a shock. This book is a longer one, but defiantly shouldn't be any shorter. I can't wait to read the second book in this series, so far I know of only three, and two of them are out already. I defiantly recommend this book to someone who can read strange things. I also recommend this book for teens on up because it has some profanity in it and well other things too. This book defiantly made me feel the feels. I gave it a 4.5 out of 5 stars, it lost a half a star because sometimes should would just jump around a bit too much. 

Happy Reading

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