Monday, September 2, 2013


The time has finally come, the Harry Potter marathon has come! I am so excited to go on this amazing journey and hop into the magical world of Hogwarts! The first book I will be obviously starting off with is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. After I have read the book I will watch the movie. after I have done that I will write a post on my thoughts and everything else evolving it. One of my friends are participating in this with me so I hope you can too! Get on the express train 9 3/4 and let's visit Harry's life as a wizard! Ready....Set...Go!

P.S. The marathon doesn't really have a end date, it pretty much ends when you finish the series. For some it will be sooner than others, and that's ok. This will take me a little while because I currently have to read another book for English class and I want to read other books as well, but I will still be doing frequent post till I am done. I hope this encourages a lot of people to read more, because I think it's a fun experience to finish a new book. 

Happy reading! Good Luck!

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