Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J.K. Rowling


   So I know most if not everyone who reads this post know who and what Harry Potter is. I mean of you haven't, come crawl out of your rock and join us in this fabulous world of wizardry. 

   As you know September 1, is the journey where the Journey begins, Harry starts school at Hogwarts. 

   I finished this book last week and it was 10 times better than the movie. And that's a lot to say seeing that the movie was amazing! I always had my face buried into it and read for hours. I thought it was such a fun and exciting read! I mean there are a lot of wizard books out there but not a lot of them are as good as Harry Potter. 

   I myself grew up with Harry Potter so it feels good to rewind in time and take a visit in memory lane. Reading this book made me feel like a little Kid again and that was great. 

  So of course I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars. Seeing the movie first defiantly was fun because when I was reading I could here the accents and tone of voice in my head and it just made things pop so much. 

   I think J.K. Rowling has a good sense of imagery in this book because even if you haven't seen the movie you could picture what the place looked like. 

    I really recommend this book, all ages can read it.

Happy reading

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