Monday, September 2, 2013

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I now have a book hangover everybody! If you don't know what a book hangover is than I will tell you. It is when you read a book that was so good that you no longer want to read another books or you can't stop talking about it. I tried reading this books while back but went through the first chapter and couldn't get through it. But then I borrowed the audiobook from the library and read it and should I say people weren't lying when they said it was good.  I was defiantly feeling every emotion and got Geary eyed a bit. My favorite character is Effie Trinket, she is so amazing, funny and just... GREAT! Suzanne Collins defiantly did a good job with the first book, seeing as that most of the time the first book is just the beginning and isn't always the best. If you have been living under a rock and don't know what The Hunger Games is about than you will find out in this post. Now in the book it introduces a young girl named Katniss Everdean. The story is told in her perspective and through her eyes. Katniss is from Distric twelve and they are the cole district, unfortunately, they aren't the wealthiest district, so she has to provide for her family after her father died in the mines. 

There is this thing called the "Hunger Games" (obviously). What it is is when everyone gathers around and the capital pulls out two names from each district, a boy and a girl. If you win the Hunger Gmes than you get wealth, fame and a better life. When the day comes of the reeling, Katniss's sister, Prim, get's nominated for the games. But Katniss instead volunteers in her sisters place, them a boy gets called, Peeta Melark. And so the Games begin and the romance flys. 

When it comes time for the games everyone comes together to watch it on screens, like a reality TV show. But it isn't as easy for the contestants. They have to do interviews, practice and try to get sponsors. When the bell rings it's time to fight. Every player meets in a place called the cornucopia. In order to win the games you have to be the last one standing, which means you have to fight to the death. And the famous saying "May the odds be ever in your favor!"

I absolutely loved every inch of this book, it kept my attention from beginning to end. The games were so interesting and sometimes gruesome, I feel the author made the characters seem very smart. I'm sure after reading this I could have a chance surviving ( just joking). I defiantly recommend this book, if you haven't read it yet. And if you have READ IT AGAIN!

May the odds be ever in your favor and Happy reading!

Behold the "the girl who's on fire!"

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