Sunday, October 6, 2013

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


This book is my favorite so far in the series. I thought the imagery was great. I loved how fast pace it was and I loved every event that happened in this book. We got introduced to my favorite animals in this book and some of the most darkest characters. In this book there was a lot of feeling that went on with Harry, I cant really tell you what because it would spoil it.

This series is about a boy named Harry. He is a wizard, but has to live with his muggle (human) aunt and uncle. But one day everything changes for him because he gets a letter from Hogwarts. And that's where his journey begins. He meets two friends named Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. And they both go on this epic journey with him.

I wasn't expecting to like this book very much because the movie, I didn't like as much as the first two. But I read it and I changed my mind. No matter how old you are I definitely recommend this book, I gave it a 5 out of  stars. You probably already know what happened in this book, but for those who don't I'll tell you a little. But for-worn I can't tell you too much, because there's a lot of things in the book that can be spoiled. So in this book Harry is protected by all these people because the criminal Sirius Black escaped  And so Harry can't go on the field trips he wants to. And a shocking thing happens Hagrid starts to teach! Those are just a few things that happen in the book.

Here is the real synopsis:

Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has already survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion. But his hopes for a quiet term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking Dementors who guard the prison. It's assumed that Hogwarts is the safest place for Harry to be. But is it a coincidence that he can feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking Professor Trelawney's ghoulish predictions seriously?

Please read this series it will change your life trust me.

I love reading this series because it makes me feel like a kid again because I grew up with it. 

Thank You and Happy Reading!


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


Last month I read the second book in the Harry Potter series. I really liked this book, I thought it was well passed and fun. So, most of you know who Harry Potter is I'm guessing, and if you don't, please join me on this journey of the wizarding world. September is when the oh so great Harry Potter goes back to school, and yes sadly he has to go to school too. But this isn't any ordinary school year, many things happened and they may or may not include dark magic. Harry goes to school at Hogwarts. 

If you didn't know what or who Harry Potter is I will tell you. This series is about a boy named Harry. He is a wizard, but has to live with his muggle (human) aunt and uncle. But one day everything changes for him because he gets a letter from Hogwarts. And that's where his journey begins. He meets two friends named Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. And they both go on this epic journey with him. 

This is pretty much that back story for each book. But every book has a different story, if that makes sense. 

In the Harry Potter series there is a lot of dark magic, mainly around Harry. I loved this book, I thought it was fabulous. In the Chamber of secrets, I really did not like Lockhart. But in the end I thought he was hilarious because of recent events. But in the end of this book I thought the plot twist was amazing, I mean I knew what was going to happened because I've seen the movie but if I hadn't it was great. I definitely recommend this book, it was such a fun read. I mean I grew up with Harry Potter so it feels good to kind of be young again and read this series. I think J.K. Rowling has a good sense of imagery in this book because even if you haven't seen the movie you could picture what the place looked like. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank You and Happy Reading!

The Bad Beginning: A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket


So, a week or two ago I read the first book in the A Series of Unfortunate Events. I have always wanted to read this series. I thought the first book was good! I thought it was a quick easy read and full of character. If you want an easy read, you should read this book. The book size is tiny, and and the words are kind of big. Also it only has around 160 pages. I read this book in two days with school and a bunch of homework.

The summary of this book is about three children named Violet, Klause and Sunny. There parents died in a fire so they had to go live with another relative, who's name is Count Olaf. After that they go on a crazy adventure and good and bad things happened.

Getting into my review now, I thought Lemony Snicket did a fantastic job overall. I loved the creepiness of the book but also the warmth. In the book there is a lot of different thought and feelings that tied together really well. The main characters of this book were Sunny, Klause and Violet, the book told there story and unfortunate journeys. This book is kind of sad but not too sad like john green or anything like that. One thing that I loved in this book is the characters love of reading. This book made me want a huge library in my own home. I think if a child is reading this it is really good because if the book says a harder word it explains it. There isn't much I can say  about this book without giving away anything because it is such a short book.

I gave this book a 5 out of 5 stars. I would recommend this book if you are in a car ride or in the air port.

Thank You, and Happy Reading!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Divergent by Veronica Roth


So I just finished Divergent and I loved it. The plot summary follows a girl named Beatrice. There are four factions in this world; Amity, Dauntless, Abnegation and Erudite. There is this event that happens when Beatrice or "Tris" has to decide what faction she belongs to. And then the story goes into her journey in that faction.
I personally hated Erudite, but I thought I was Divergent. Divergent is someone who has more than one faction trait.
But the whole time while I was reading this book my heart was racing, I could not put it down. Beatrice was amazing and I loved Four! Veronica Roth is really good at characterization.
I defiantly recommend this book for you to read. I can't talk much about this book without giving things away.
I gave this book a 5 out of 5 stars on goodreads. I think everyone should read the book before seeing the movie or just read it in general.

Happy reading!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J.K. Rowling


   So I know most if not everyone who reads this post know who and what Harry Potter is. I mean of you haven't, come crawl out of your rock and join us in this fabulous world of wizardry. 

   As you know September 1, is the journey where the Journey begins, Harry starts school at Hogwarts. 

   I finished this book last week and it was 10 times better than the movie. And that's a lot to say seeing that the movie was amazing! I always had my face buried into it and read for hours. I thought it was such a fun and exciting read! I mean there are a lot of wizard books out there but not a lot of them are as good as Harry Potter. 

   I myself grew up with Harry Potter so it feels good to rewind in time and take a visit in memory lane. Reading this book made me feel like a little Kid again and that was great. 

  So of course I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars. Seeing the movie first defiantly was fun because when I was reading I could here the accents and tone of voice in my head and it just made things pop so much. 

   I think J.K. Rowling has a good sense of imagery in this book because even if you haven't seen the movie you could picture what the place looked like. 

    I really recommend this book, all ages can read it.

Happy reading

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

This post is a little late....

This book was great, I thought the world and all the characters were intriguing! all the way from beginning to end I was hooked. I loved the romance in it and I love the different creatures. This book is mainly set around a girl names Karou. She lives with chimaera and has to do task for a guy named Beimstone. On her journey she learns a lot of stuff and meets new people.. Or should I say things! In the end of the book there is a huge story twist and it comes to a shock. This book is a longer one, but defiantly shouldn't be any shorter. I can't wait to read the second book in this series, so far I know of only three, and two of them are out already. I defiantly recommend this book to someone who can read strange things. I also recommend this book for teens on up because it has some profanity in it and well other things too. This book defiantly made me feel the feels. I gave it a 4.5 out of 5 stars, it lost a half a star because sometimes should would just jump around a bit too much. 

Happy Reading

Monday, September 2, 2013


The time has finally come, the Harry Potter marathon has come! I am so excited to go on this amazing journey and hop into the magical world of Hogwarts! The first book I will be obviously starting off with is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. After I have read the book I will watch the movie. after I have done that I will write a post on my thoughts and everything else evolving it. One of my friends are participating in this with me so I hope you can too! Get on the express train 9 3/4 and let's visit Harry's life as a wizard! Ready....Set...Go!

P.S. The marathon doesn't really have a end date, it pretty much ends when you finish the series. For some it will be sooner than others, and that's ok. This will take me a little while because I currently have to read another book for English class and I want to read other books as well, but I will still be doing frequent post till I am done. I hope this encourages a lot of people to read more, because I think it's a fun experience to finish a new book. 

Happy reading! Good Luck!

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I now have a book hangover everybody! If you don't know what a book hangover is than I will tell you. It is when you read a book that was so good that you no longer want to read another books or you can't stop talking about it. I tried reading this books while back but went through the first chapter and couldn't get through it. But then I borrowed the audiobook from the library and read it and should I say people weren't lying when they said it was good.  I was defiantly feeling every emotion and got Geary eyed a bit. My favorite character is Effie Trinket, she is so amazing, funny and just... GREAT! Suzanne Collins defiantly did a good job with the first book, seeing as that most of the time the first book is just the beginning and isn't always the best. If you have been living under a rock and don't know what The Hunger Games is about than you will find out in this post. Now in the book it introduces a young girl named Katniss Everdean. The story is told in her perspective and through her eyes. Katniss is from Distric twelve and they are the cole district, unfortunately, they aren't the wealthiest district, so she has to provide for her family after her father died in the mines. 

There is this thing called the "Hunger Games" (obviously). What it is is when everyone gathers around and the capital pulls out two names from each district, a boy and a girl. If you win the Hunger Gmes than you get wealth, fame and a better life. When the day comes of the reeling, Katniss's sister, Prim, get's nominated for the games. But Katniss instead volunteers in her sisters place, them a boy gets called, Peeta Melark. And so the Games begin and the romance flys. 

When it comes time for the games everyone comes together to watch it on screens, like a reality TV show. But it isn't as easy for the contestants. They have to do interviews, practice and try to get sponsors. When the bell rings it's time to fight. Every player meets in a place called the cornucopia. In order to win the games you have to be the last one standing, which means you have to fight to the death. And the famous saying "May the odds be ever in your favor!"

I absolutely loved every inch of this book, it kept my attention from beginning to end. The games were so interesting and sometimes gruesome, I feel the author made the characters seem very smart. I'm sure after reading this I could have a chance surviving ( just joking). I defiantly recommend this book, if you haven't read it yet. And if you have READ IT AGAIN!

May the odds be ever in your favor and Happy reading!

Behold the "the girl who's on fire!"

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick


May I just say that I have found my favorite book of the year! This book is magnificent! The book has a wide range of beautiful well done drawing, but lots of text as well. I loved this book so much I finished within a couple hours between two days. I put all my homework aside and had to read this book! In the book it talks about a boy named Hugo Cabret who is young. His father past away so he is left to his uncles care, but their is something that goes along with that, he has to work the clocks. He is good at what he does, but then he meets a young girl Isabel and falls into the epic adventure. Before Hugo's dad dies, his father finds an automaton. His father than past away in a fire and acquires the piece of machine and sets out to fix it. He meets loads of new people and learns many things. This book is very interesting it had me reading in class instead of listening. This book is very easy to read seeing that it has many pictures and small pages. While I was reading this book I fell in love with Hugo, he is just an inspirational character and very interesting.  I also fell in love with some of the drawing, like the one with the moon with the rocket in it's eye. I have seen the movie and it follows the book very well, it as well is one of my favorite movies. I deffinatly recommend to you this book. I feel anyone can read this book, whether they like to read this book. Being a world history fan, I loved learning about old films in this movie, like the first movie ever was just a train coming into the station.

Happy Reading!

City of Bones Movie to Book Adaptatin by Cassandra Clare


     So last Friday I went and saw City of Bones with my friend. Now the movie was so so good and I would definitely see it again, but.....they left out a lot. Now I forewarn you that there is going to be a lot of spoilers for you in this post if you have not yet read or seen City of Bones. I absolutely loved the book it was great, the action was good, the pace was good and I just had a good time reading it. There was obviously a lot that went on in the book, because it is pretty thick. And the movie was long as well, a little over three hours. But in the movie they made the demons look so good, I mean they actually looked real and you could see them turning into something demonic on screen, it was great! But Jace and Clary didn't have a lot of romance in the movie. I mean it was portrayed that they obviously like each other but in the book it was so much more. And also one thing I liked was that they kept a lot of Alek moments from the book. Plus Simon was beautiful, coming from a girl, may I just say he is smoking hot! His character was great, he made me love Simon even more than in the book. One thing they did in the movie is combine some things from the second book, City of Ashes with the first, which doesn't make sense to someone who read the book, but makes sense to someone who hasn't. There were a few parts that were cheesy and slowed down too much, but other than that I was on the edge of my seat, it was excellent! I gave the movie 5 stars because it all looked so real and the affects we're outstanding! I definable recomend you go see if you read the book or not because you will not regret it! 

Happy reading!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Frankenstein by Mark Shelly

Hi everyone,
So last week for the BookTube-A-Thon, the first book I read was Frankenstein and it was only 186 pages. And one of the challenges was to read a classic so I though I might as well give it a shot. SoI sat down and read it and I absolutely loved it! I thought it was brilliant, I had never heard or read of the Frankenstein story or legend. But anyway in this review I am not going to give any spoilers but I am going to tell you what it is about. So long story short a guy grows up loving science and then he goes off to college and learns about all this amazingscience things   and wants to build a creature of his nature, a "man". But things go wrong. So as you can tell the synopsis  sounds amazing and the story line is fabulous. So with in a couple hours I finished the book and gave it 5 stars, it was very sad but also very thrilling all at once. I defiantly recommend this and happy reading!

-Elizabeth McCormick

Harry Potter: Book To Movie by J.K. Rowling

Hey guys,
Welcome To my blog about books! So I happened to be watching a Harry Potter movie marathon on ABC family and a great idea popped into my head. Why don't I do a book to movie marathon? Yet I only have the first book I do own all the movies. So I am just doing this to have fun because I enjoy the series very much. How I am going to do this; is I am first going to read the book and then I am going to watch the movie. After that I am going to come back on here and write about anything I want about it and do a review of both, more like a discussion. I will be doing this for all seven books, along with all 8 movies (there are 8 movies because the last movie is split into 2 parts.)  I hope you guys enjoy this series very much and look forward to it. I also hope maybe you can do it along with me and write your reviews and discussion in the comments. I will start this September 1, 2013. I will not be starting this is August because I am starting school then and want to have time to get comfortable. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I hope you happy reading. Good Luck!

-Elizabeth McCormick

Harry Potter Series:

-Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
-Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows